City To Lose Several Employees Through Retirement Incentive Program
By Jenna Carlesso
November 30, 2010
Yesterday was the deadline for eligible city employees to file paperwork for the voluntary retirement incentive program (passed by city council in October). Some 30 city employees -- including Treasurer Kathleen Palm Devine, Councilwoman Veronica Airey-Wilson and John McGrane, assistant director of the Department of Public Works -- have applied for it.
The last day for these employees will be Dec. 31, unless given an extension by the mayor. The mayor may give the employees an extension up to, but not past, June 30, 2011. Employees who elect the voluntary retirement program can choose to receive a number of years of free medical coverage or four additional years of pension credit, Palm Devine said.
Airey-Wilson will tender a letter of resignation to the council effective Dec. 31, council President rJo Winch said. The panel will immediately consider replacements for her and Councilman Matthew Ritter, who was elected in November to become state representative for the 1st Assembly District. Winch said she hopes to select the replacements by the council's next meeting in December.
Palm Devine said she will ask the mayor for an extension to finish up some crucial projects.
You can view the complete list of employees that have applied for the program here:
Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program.xls
The numbers are not finalized because the candidates must still be approved by the pension board, city spokeswoman Sarah Barr said.
Cityline will be following the issue this week. Stay tuned.