While several other candidates in the Hartford mayoral race have sent out press releases touting how much money they've raised thus far, candidate J. Stan McCauley takes a different view on the issue. Check out his press release below. Cityline talked with McCauley, who said his campaign has taken in about $3,500 so far.
TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 2011 (860) 944-9797
How much money does it take to shackle Hartford Voters?
If money equaled leadership and an ability to govern, the 2007 Hartford Mayoral election would have yielded the best government in Hartford's history. The reality however is that money is the corrupting force that ruins political leaders and the cities they are elected to lead.
Anyone that believes the 2011 Hartford mayoral race is about money has already lost because the people of Hartford are not up for auction and their municipal government is not for sale. The same can not be said of the candidates, their political decisions are heavily influenced by the donor block that gives the most money.
Hartford voters are no longer asleep. They are wiser, smarter, and far more politically active and savvy than ever before and will no longer be taken for granted. This fact was made clear with the defeat of Kenny Green in the last election cycle.
Voters know that in the back room of this political game of "who can raise the most money", are the gatekeepers that have been the beneficiary of a corrupt patronage system, and said gatekeepers don't want it to stop. And they will give as much money as they can to candidates that will keep the Status Quo alive and well.
The McCauley for Mayor 2011 campaign made a conscious decision in October of 2009 to adopt our own campaign finance reform and not raise large sums of money, but rather raise the consciousness on the voters, and run our campaign like no other. See: www.wfsb.com/news/21209469/detail.html
Candidate J. Stan McCauley at his own expense over the last 3 years produced over 150 episodes of "One Hartford" an hour long political TV show that kept Hartford voters informed.
Bringing to light much of the corruption that brought the last well financed municipal administration to its knees. Hartford's 2011 election is about economic, human, and community development. It's about all of Hartford's neighborhoods being safe for children and seniors. It's about fair distribution of tax resources. It's about functional accountable governance that will fire employees that do not do their job. It's about a Mayor understanding that he or she is employed by "We the people of Hartford".
Candidate J. Stan McCauley has a plan to rebuild the integrity of Hartford by bringing in community minded businessmen that have a love for cities and are willing to hire the people that live in them.
Candidate J. Stan McCauley has a plan to cut the homicide rate by 50% and make Hartford one of the top ten small cities in the country.
Some actually believe money equals votes, J. Stan McCauley believes that knowing your city as your city knows you equals votes. Money can not cast a ballot and out of state donors in Washington D.C. can't vote in Hartford. Cheap politicians may go for $750,000.00 or under, but the people of Hartford are not for sale. Votes are the only currency that matter in this race and they will be spent on election day in record number.
J. Stan McCauley and his family live in the Historic Colt's Building and are in the mist of moving to Enfield street in Hartford's North End. For more information about J. Stan McCauley's candidacy for Mayor, please visit www.McCauleyForMayor.com.