When the bike was purchased, the seller was asked “Is this hot?.” Where did you get these great bikes? The fellow running the street/tag/rummage sale said they all were legit.
Hmmm …
Anywho, your servant has pedaled down one street or another in the West End and Asylum Hill for the last 6 months or so trying to save gas and cut down a well earned beer gut. Some early morning drivers on Farmington Avenue may say “Isn’t that …” Yes, it is.
So, last week the bike was hot, at least for a couple of days. To explain, your reporter was pulling weeds at the law school garden at sunrise and, low and behold, the bike disappeared. Angry and frustrated, we roamed the neighborhood in vain until we saw a police car. The officer took all the information and drove around with an eye out for a blue, low slung LL Bean mountain bike. We had no hope.
However, Saturday morning at 5:30 am the police came by with the bike! Missing a few pieces, it was still rideable and once again commuters can laugh at the slightly overweight townie crunching up the avenue, with vegetables and flowers sticking out the box on the back.
Now, this good job by the department doesn’t rank with the whines of a certain Hartford Courant columnist who headed for the Farmington Hills when he couldn’t get his way. That big liberal may now get a limousine (albeit a fuel efficient one) to visit the city just like his media/arts buddies.
With all the problems the city faces, getting a bike back is small potatoes (just like ours from the Niles Street garden) but it is our responsibility to report occasional good news. And this was good news, at least to us. So, again, a thank you to the Hartford Police Department for a job well done.