By Jodie Mozdzer
May 01, 2009
Local artists aren't stranded in the wilderness, but they are competing for cash - about $1.7 million in proposed arts stimulus funding.
And, after round one, about 70 contestants remain.
That's how many letters the city received indicating an intent to apply for the grants -- the first step in the process.
But there are hurdles to pass - including getting the bulk of that money approved by the city council.
And those 70 letters laid out plans that would cost far more than the proposed funding.
The letters of intent outlined $6.4 million in arts projects that would employ young people, create new art and upgrade facilities.
The application deadline is May 11, and the city reminds artists that applications have to be delivered that day, not postmarked that day.
If the money is approved by the city council, the grants will be awarded in June.