Hartford Trends > Notes on Neighborhood Definitions

Hartford has seventeen neighborhoods that are defined by the city. However, the boundaries of these city-defined neighborhoods do not conform to the U.S. Census tracts, which are the data collection areas used here. For many reasons, data is often only available for whole census tracts. For the purposes of Hartford Trends, neighborhoods are defined as aggregation of whole census tracts. Below is a description of each whole census tract neighborhood (data collection area) and how it varies from the city-defined neighborhood. As a measure of how significant the variation is, the variation is stated as the percentage of the whole census tract neighborhood.

Asylum Hill: Census tracts 5031, 5032, 5033, and 5034
Small portions of tracts 5032 and 5034 which fall outside the city-defined boundaries of the neighborhood on the north and east include very few people, and add less than 1% to the total population. More significant is the assignment of portions on the west side of the city-defined neighborhood of Asylum Hill (tract 5036 and 5042) to the data collection area of the West End. The population of these two areas constitutes 15% of the population of the Asylum Hill whole census tract neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Barry Square:  Census tracts 5001, 5002, 5026 and 5027
A small area of tract 5002 falls outside the city-defined boundaries, but comprise less than 1% of the total. Also, small areas of two other tracts fall within the city-defined boundaries of the neighborhood but include less than .01% of the population and are excluded from the whole census tract neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Behind the Rocks:  Census tracts 5045, 5046, and 5049
A small area of tract 5049 falls outside the city-defined boundaries, but comprise less than .01% of the total. Also, areas of tract 5047, fall within the city-defined boundaries of the neighborhood, but are now assigned to the Southwest whole census tract neighborhood. The population there is approximately 10% of the population of Behind the Rocks whole census tract neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Blue Hills:  Census tracts 5038, 5039 and 5040
While a small area of tract 5038 falls within the city-defined boundary of West End, it adds less than 1% of the total population of Blue Hills whole census tract neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Clay Arsenal:  Census tracts 5009, 5017 and 5018
While a small part of another tract, 5032 falls within the city-defined boundaries of the neighborhood, it has zero population. This section is assigned to Asylum Hill. The figures for Clay Arsenal are not affected.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Downtown:  Census tract 5021
Areas of the city-defined neighborhood of Downtown fall in tract 5032 and are assigned to Asylum Hill. They have a population of 4 people, or approximately 3% of the total population of the Downtown whole census tract neighborhood. Census tract 5005 which is part of the city-defined Downtown is here assigned to Sheldon-Charter Oak. It has a population of 129, or 11.5 % of the population of Downtown. Three blocks of tract 5021 fall within the city-defined boundaries of Sheldon Charter Oak neighborhood and are assigned here to Downtown, but have no residents.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Frog Hollow:  Census tracts: 5028, 5029 and 5030
Although small areas of two other tracts fall within the city-defined boundaries of the neighborhood, they have no reported residents and are excluded from the whole census tract neighborhood
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

North Meadows
:  Census tract 5007
North Meadows is covered entirely by census tract 5007. However, the population is entirely housed in correctional facilities. Consequently, most categories of data are not available for this population.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Northeast:  Census tracts 5010, 5011, 5012, 5013, and 5015
The whole census tract neighborhood is the same as the city-defined neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Parkville:  Census tracts 5041 and 5043
Part of another tract, 5044, has been included in the city-defined Parkville neighborhood. However, it is assigned here to Behind the Rocks. The population in this area is 1113, which is 21% of the population of the Parkville whole census tract neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Sheldon Charter Oak:  Census tracts 5004 and 5005
Small parts of another tract, 5021, fall within the city-defined boundaries of Sheldon-Charter Oak. This area is assigned to Downtown here, but has zero population. One block of tract 5005 falls within the city-defined area of Downtown, and is assigned here to the whole tract neighborhood of Sheldon-Charter Oak. The population of this area adds 129 people, or about 4%, to the Sheldon-Charter Oak data collection area.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

South End:  Census tracts 5023, 5024 and 5025
One block of tract 5023 is assigned to the city-defined neighborhood of Barry Square, but is assigned here to the South End whole census tract neighborhood. The population there is zero. More significantly, the residential portion of tract 5025, which is in the city-defined neighborhoods of South Meadows and Barry Square, is included here in the South End data collection area. This area houses a population of approximately1369 which is equivalent to 12% of the population of the South End whole tract neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

South Green:  Census tract 5003
The city-defined neighborhood of South Green also included part of tract 5021, which is here included in Downtown. There are 114 people living there. Additionally, three blocks of tract 5002, falling within the city-defined boundaries of South Green are now assigned to Barry Square whole census tract neighborhood. Eight hundred fifty-nine people reside there, comprising 33% of the population of South Green whole census tract neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

South Meadows
The tract that covers the city-defined South Meadows neighborhood has been included with the South End whole census tract neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Southwest:  Census tracts 5047 and 5048
The city-defined boundaries exclude part of tract 5047. The population in those blocks, falling within the city-defined neighborhood of Behind the Rocks is approximately 1071, which is 14% of the population of Southwest whole census tract neighborhood. The city-defined boundary bisects one block of tract 5047, so the figures can only be approximate.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

Upper Albany: Census tracts: 5014, 5035, and 5037
Although a small area of another tract falls within the city-defined boundaries of the neighborhood, it would add less than 1% to the total population of the neighborhood. This area is assigned here to Asylum Hill.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

West End:  Census tracts 5036, 5042 and 5044
One block of tract 5036 is included in the city-defined neighborhood of Asylum Hill, but is added here to the West End. It has a population of 634, which is 6% of the West End total. Additionally, a portion of one block of tract 5042 is included in the city-defined neighborhood of Asylum Hill, but is included here in the West End whole census tract neighborhood. The total for this block is 981, representing nearly 10% of the population of West End. Because the block is bisected by the city-defined boundary, the figures can only be approximate. Several blocks of tract 5044 are included in the city-defined neighborhood of Parkville, but are assigned here to the West End. The population in these census blocks is 1113, or 11% of the West End population. Finally, a small section of what has been included in the city-defined neighborhood of West End falls in tract 5038, and so is excluded here. The population there is 45, or less than 1% of the West End neighborhood.
| Whole Census Tract Map | General Profile |

| Last update: September 25, 2012 |
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