Community Data: >> City of Hartford and Surrounding Region > City of Hartford

People and Demographics
Total Population: 124,775
Under 18: 32,217
65 and Over: 11,103
More on People and Demographics

Sources, Definitions, Notes  

Families and Households
Single Householder with Children: 12,177+/-668
College Graduates: 13.6%+/-1.0%
Completed High School: 67.1%+/-1.4%
More on Families and Households

Sources, Definitions, Notes

Employment and Income
Median Household Income: $29,190+/-$1,386
Families not in Poverty: 29.4%+/-2.2%
Labor Force Participation, 18-65: 16.8%+/-1.2%
More on Employment and Income

Sources, Definitions, Notes Sources, Definitions, Notes
Low Birthweight Rate: 11.4%
More on Health

Sources, Definitions, Notes
Total Housing Units: 51,822
Total Rental Units: 32,287+/-974
Owner Occupied Housing Units: 11,151+/-634
Structures Built Before 1950: 61.0%+/-3.0%
More on Housing

Sources, Definitions, Notes Sources, Definitions, Notes

Public Safety and Crime
Violent Crimes: 1,764
Crimes Against Property: 5,542
More on Public Safety and Crime

Sources, Definitions, Notes
Commute Time:  21+/-1
More on Transportation

Sources, Definitions, Notes

| Last update: September 25, 2012 |
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