The documents below analyze a variety of aspects of the HMDA data. The first document looks at city-wide trends in home mortgage lending from 1995 to 2003. The analysis includes data on income-levels, race, and purpose of loan (home purchase, home improvement, refinancing, and multi-family). It also includes information on application denials by race and income. The second examines applications for home mortgage lending by city neighborhood. Applications are not necessarily approved by the lender. The different types of home morgage loans for various purposes (home purchase, home improvement, refinancing, or multi-family) are tracked. The third document looks at home purchase loans which were approved and dispersed (originated). The analysis shows home purchase loans by neighborhood, and purpose of the loan. The final document analyzes data on subprime lending in Hartford. It examines borrowing from subprime lenders by neighborhood, purpose of loan and race.
Hartford Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data - A city-wide analysis of home mortgage lending trends from 1995 to 2003. Click here for the document. 
Mortgage Loan Applications in Hartford - A look at applications for home mortgage loans, in Hartford's neighborhoods from 1995 to 2003. In particular, applications for home improvement loans increased dramatically over this time period.Click here for the document. 
Mortgage Loans in Hartford - HMDA provides data on home mortgage loans made to Hartford property owners for home purchases, home improvements and home mortgage refinancing. Between 1995 and 2003 the number of mortgage loans in the city increased from 922 to 3,203, more than a three-fold increase. Click here for the document. 
Subprime Lending in Hartford - As the residential real estate market began to rebound in the city during the late-1990s, there was a dramatic shift in the types of institutions financing mortgage loans to prospective buyers and home owners in the city. In 1995, just 5% of conventional mortgage loans were financed by sub-prime lenders. Only four years later, in 1999, subprime lenders were financing 35% of conventional home mortgage loans in the city. Click here for the document. 